Group ketamine assisted psychotherapy

& Mini-retreat program

While individual ketamine assisted psychotherapy sessions offer profound insights and healing on a personal level, we also recognize the tremendous value of group ketamine assisted psychotherapy.

Group ketamine assisted psychotherapy sessions offer several unique opportunities:

  1. Community Support: Group therapy creates a supportive community of individuals who are on a similar journey of healing. Sharing experiences, challenges, and successes with others who understand can foster a sense of connection and belonging, reducing feelings of isolation.

  2. Diverse Perspectives: In a group setting, you have the opportunity to gain insights and perspectives from different individuals. Hearing others' stories and perspectives can broaden your understanding of your own experiences and provide new ways of approaching challenges.

  3. Reduced Stigma: Engaging in therapy within a group setting can help reduce the stigma often associated with mental health treatment. By participating in a group where others are also seeking support, you may feel more comfortable discussing your own struggles and seeking help.

  4. Social Learning: Group ketamine assisted pyschotherapy sessions provide opportunities for social learning and skills development. Through observing how others navigate their challenges and receive feedback from the group and therapists, you can learn new coping strategies and interpersonal skills.

  5. Cost-Effectiveness: Group therapy can be a more cost-effective option compared to individual therapy, making it accessible to a broader range of individuals.

At Joy In Health, we prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment for all participants in our group ketamine assisted psychotherapy sessions. Our experienced team facilitate the sessions with compassion and expertise, guiding you through the transformative process of healing and growth.

Whether you choose individual or group ketamine assisted psychotherapy, our goal remains the same: to support you on your journey towards greater mental health and well-being. We invite you to explore our services further and reach out to us with any questions or to schedule a consultation.

Our group ketamine assisted psychotherapy program includes:

  • Intake and evaluation with Katie Infantine, LICSW

  • Medical evaluation with Dr. Marni Chanoff

  • One individual preparation, 3-hour ketamine therapy session, and integration session.

    • If continuing on to the group is a good fit following your individual sessions, then you’ll participate in:

  • Two virtual group preparation sessions before each ketamine session

  • Two group Saturday ketamine therapy & mini-retreats in our lovely serene office with

    • A 4-hour guided group experience with 3-4 other participants

    • An experiential component with options for gentle yoga, Reiki, and sound healing

    • A nutritious & delicious seasonal lunch

  • Two virtual group integration sessions following each group ketamine therapy session

*You’re welcome to inquire about scholarships available to support this care.